Sunday, September 25, 2005
Hey 64ians...worrying for promos? cant get to sleep? cant eat in peace? cant enjoy ur fav. leisure time? wanna go watch a movie but cant put promos out of ur mind?
fret not.
Promos will be easy like a breeeze.
Like real.
Hurray! vs is in band 1!!! congrats 04 batch..i hope this is not jus an anomaly on the trend.
To make it a more 64affair... ''hurray! cat high is in band 1!!!''....''hurray cedar is in band 1...'' ok we are still the few schools that are trapped in this viscious cycle of ranking... RV jus got out of it. DHS too. how great. so lucky...our schools are adjacent to each other on the moe list. cat high cedar vs anderson st qiao!
Gotta sleep.. too tired to keep on rattling..
nites ppl! or rather, morning!
nil sine labore
1:16 AM
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Hey ppl... jus came back from home and still got loads left unmugged but decided to just crap abit here hah.
Few weeks ago, I rmber going back to vs to play soccer and spoke to couple of juniors as well. Speaking to them reminded me of the old times and realised that quite a few of us were having the loser's mentality when dealt with intense competition or rather promos. I was one of them too. still can vaguely rmber the olevel prep.
As I was saying bout losers' mentality, we often complained that we are always too busy to do wad's has to be done. Yes, u can be kan cheong but u shuld never complain and carry the mindset that you do not have time to handle your priorities. To me dat's how a loser would be behaving. speaking of which, these daes I am getting loserised too. yeah. Losers are a subset of slackers. (i know for sure that there are some winning slackers out there. slackingly smart.)
Sometimes I've been attempting to race against time but to no avail.
Anywae anywae anywae, I should go now if not i really would not have any time to do my mugging op. Cya ppl and stop faking tagboard identities!!!
A winner works harder than a loser and has more time;
A loser is always "too busy" to do what is necessary.
A winner says, "I'm good, but not as good as I ought to be:"
A loser says, "I'm not as bad as a lot of other people."
A winner makes commitments;
A loser makes promises.
come on s64-ians. let's be winners.
oh yeah. check this out china idol. lol.
Bin =0
nil sine labore
6:23 PM
Thursday, September 08, 2005

.. some stairway to heaven fanaticism. lol ;))
=> posted by isa & her fren
take care everyone!! (",)
nil sine labore
9:28 PM
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
hey ppl, how's ur holidaes! anywae, i've got nth much to sae.
Oh next time u ppl, if need be, better climb the front school gate instead of the one at the t-block. wth my fren and i got caught by the CID (in car) while we were climbing up the gates. Quite an experience. They were like. hey wth r u all climbing out of school at midnite (it's ard 12am). r u guys trying to be funny. blah blah. yeah. and they were trying to get us to verify our identity as students of vj. yah that house tee doesnt count. and that vj pe shirt doesnt count. yeah that vj fulscap doesnt count. yeah and dat ionic eqm notes was futile.
nil sine labore
9:48 PM